You asshole~

viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010 en 20:14
 My doble trouble is back
hunting my solitary days
i know that when i look back
you won´t be there hidden in the night
to scare me with my dark past life

i don´t forgive you and i will never forget
you´re nothing important in my life
because i just never was good enough
for anyone, anyway
i´m not someone that you need to remember by anything

you ugly bitch, disgusting human being
don´t you dare to challenge me
or you´re going to hell for the eternity
you can´t blame me for giving you a chance to live
you can´t eat my brain and my heart is tied up

is there any reason to be here by your side?

1 Responses to You asshole~

  1. Licantropunk Says:

    Normal que te guste Soko.
    Not Sokute!!

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